We’re restoring movement, empowering recovery, and driving progress in workers’ compensation.




2024 Outlook: Examining PT Outcomes within the Broader Health Care System

Network Advantage

We actively manage the industry’s largest network of credentialed physical therapists, occupational therapists and chiropractors. Our outcome-based network resolves cases in 48 percent fewer days than unmanaged cases.

Unprecedented Clinical Oversight

Effective medical management starts with clinical expertise. Guided by our International Scientific Advisory Board, our relentless focus on clinical outcomes results in better care for injured employees, faster return to work and significant savings for payers.

Data-Backed Decisions

Our care approach utilizes current research, outcome studies and evidence- based treatment guidelines to promote quality care. We use sophisticated analytics to review program results and provide detailed to reporting to benchmark success.

Personalized Service

When you make a referral to the MedRisk team, you’re never alone. Our dedicated team of advocates stays with each case from beginning to end, providing regular updates. We make it easy for claims professionals and injured employees to work with us.

Every day, MedRisk helps injured employees regain their ability to move and fosters a sense of progress that motivates them throughout the recovery process.

Our approach to physical therapy includes matching injured employees with high-quality providers and ensuring treatments align with clinical guidelines. Throughout the process, we use advanced analytics to provide transparency to clients and track ongoing progress.

The result? Therapy that not only supports successful recovery processes but also impacts overall clinical and financial outcomes.

MedRisk By The Numbers

Injured Workers Treated Annually


Trust Among Top WC Payers

Total Network Providers

Licensed PT

“With MedRisk, patients arrive well informed and benefit from reasonable recovery expectations. The straightforward continued auth process is easy. And not needing additional forms beyond our notes makes them a preferred workers’ comp partner.”

- Licensed PT

Fortune 100 Risk Management Leader

“They are a partner, not just a vendor, and we work together 24/7 to make sure we elevate the advocacy experience. We are able to be proactive instead of reactive on our claims.”

- Fortune 100 Risk Management Leader

Injured Worker

“The people at MedRisk helped me know what to expect during the PT process, overcome fears, and helped me connect with a PT that helped me heal my shoulder.”

- Injured Worker


“I received a call from a physician at 8:15...and the IE has just been scheduled. Wow, 18 minutes.... Thanks for the great service!”

- TPA Claims Adjuster, MO

News and Insights

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